Spring Cleaning Your Web Presence!
Now that summer is here, I have to ask: Did you get all of your spring cleaning done? Did you donate your old clothes? Clean out the garage? Deep clean the carpets? I know I’m still doing my spring cleaning! The one area we haven’t gotten to yet is our own website presence and social media presence. Often we think of spring cleaning as a physical thing: Dust the shelves, scrub the walls, etc.; but as business increasingly goes online, I’d encourage you to spring clean your businesses online too! Here are some ideas to get you started spring cleaning your web presence.
- Website Spring Cleaning
Since you launched your website, have any of your services changed? Have you added or lost staff members that need to be updated on your site? Do you have new products or old products that need to be added or removed? Have you read the copy on your site in a while? Maybe it’s time to clean out some of that extra wordiness or hire a copywriter to distill your message. Are your galleries outdated? Do you have old projects in your photos that no longer reflect the quality of work you do or the type of client you are trying to attract? If you are one of our clients, we go through and update your website for you to make sure your plug-ins and installations are always running at tip top shape; but, if you don’t have a website with us, when was the last time you updated your site?
- Social Media Spring Cleaning
First, if you haven’t already, read our previous post about Brand Consistency on Social Media. This alone will give you tons of tips for cleaning up your brand on social media. These tips apply to almost all social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc… If your company has changed, or you haven’t always been a social media beast, go through and curate your feed by deleting old posts, photos, and albums that no longer reflect your brand. If you’re on Facebook make sure your contact info and services are up-to-date. Consider adding some Facebook apps to your page.
On Instagram, clean out old photos that aren’t consistent with your brand. Make sure you are using your About section to advertise your business.
If you use the same hashtags over and over on Twitter and Instagram, then do some research and refresh your most common hashtags so your content stays up to date with trends and forward thinking ideas in your field. (This is a good idea to do at least once a week not just during spring-cleaning.)
On Pinterest, clean out your boards! Delete pins that are unhelpful or don’t add to the aesthetic of the board as a whole. Have no mercy when cleaning your boards. The more clean and consistent your boards, the more success you have in getting re-pinned.
The list goes on and on, but these are some ideas to get you started! Comment with your questions or if you want a website appraisal or social media consult! Or let us know your ideas to spring-clean your website! How do you like to freshen up for summer?